Proud to introduce you Salvage Parts UK

Salvage Parts Uk

Seven years have passed since Salvage Parts began its journey and since then we have been working hard to offer the best quality of content and reach the maximum audience possible.

Since its inception, our website has focused primarily on junk yards in the United States, although over time we have also added Canada to our database.

However, in recent years we have been detecting the need of the British market to have a quality repository that brings together all scrap yards in the UK in one place, with all the search and contact options that we have always been offering.

It is for this reason that we have dedicated much of our time over the last year and a half to working on a new project that we are now proud to present to you: Salvage Parts UK

This new project represents an evolution and a further step in our way of understanding how to organize information and show it to our users so that they can find what they are looking for in the most efficient way. Our navigation is faster than ever and jumping between lists is an action that is done almost instantly. We want you to find what you are looking for and that contacting several breaker yards in any country in the UK to compare prices becomes as easy as possible.

The future of Salvage Parts UK

We are looking to the future and have big plans to improve and add services to this new website. Our experience in the USA version of Salvage Parts has been very valuable to us and we have many ideas that we hope to implement in the coming months and years. As a sneak peek of our planned developments, we can talk about these future extensions:

  • Creation of a market where users can buy and sell parts and used vehicles freely, without intermediaries or commissions.
  • Implementation of an auto parts store like the one that already exists in Salvage Parts USA, where we can offer our visitors new parts for their vehicles at the best prices in the market.
  • Creation of an ordering system that allows users to demand the parts they need. On the other hand, scrap yards with stock can make sale offers to them.
  • Improvements to premium accounts that allow scrap yards to stand out and receive not only more visits but also more orders.

Final words

Salvage Parts is a project in continuous evolution, which is enriched not only by the work of our team but also by your indispensable contributions. We want to continue growing and we want you to grow with us. We can only achieve this together by improving our content and offering our users new business opportunities around this world that we love so much, that of the automotive industry.

We will be attentive to your contributions, we will listen to your complaints and we will solve the errors you find. We started this new stage with renewed enthusiasm, so... let's get to work!

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People behind this content

José Sánchez
José Sánchez

José brings a wealth of experience in the automobile industry and a strong dedication to customer satisfaction. His primary objective within Salvage-Parts is to exceed the expectations of each client by addressing their unique goals and requirements. His amiable demeanor and unwavering commitment to precision contribute significantly to the ongoing success of this directory.
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Joseph Sanders
Joseph Sanders

With over 15 years of involvement in the automotive sector, Joseph possesses a profound comprehension of the demands of users looking for great used parts for their vehicles at a good prices. His bombproof enthusiasm for all things vehicle-related is evident as he channels his affection into written expressions.
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