Junk and salvage repairable Volkswagen Golf cars for sale

Purchase with confidence

The best method to purchase second-hand car pieces and junk vehicles is by contacting the seller directly and staying in person to check the material you are going to buy. We recommend that you make sure that the part you are interested in is exactly the one that matches your vehicle model and its year of manufacture. It is a great idea to ask the seller for more photos of the spares so you do not waste your time and money. Here you will locate the Volkswagen Golf for sale by our users (complete or by parts) with their corresponding images and the information you need.

2002 Volkswagen Golf

2002 Volkswagen Golf

190,000 - 200,000 miles

It currently doesn't run due to either an alternater or a starter but it was a decent car before.

Lexington, NE 68850
2003 Volkswagen Golf

2003 Volkswagen Golf

170,000 - 180,000 miles

Everything works except for the transmission, it\'s on limp mode,still drivable,but doesn\'t go up to 40,for...

Chilliwack, BC v2p6h4
2010 Volkswagen Golf

2010 Volkswagen Golf

230,000 - 240,000 miles

It’a a city golf 2007, comes with winters. I have 8 rims. Muffler is rusted. Body work needs to be done.

Toronto, ON M2H 1n8
2002 Volkswagen Golf

2002 Volkswagen Golf

300,000 - 310,000 miles

Car start and drive but needs a lot of work\r\nService Break System\r\nSteering, suspension front end to pass inspection.

Watertown, NY 13603
2006 Volkswagen Golf

2006 Volkswagen Golf

160,000 - 170,000 miles

Vehicle body in very good condition; one minor fender-bender with no visible signs of damage. Two minor scratches...

Enfield, NC 27823

Direct contact with the seller

Our website allows you to talk directly with the seller of the second-hand pieces you need. This way you can be sure they work correctly and they will be 100% compatible with your auto. It is also a good option for you because, on occasion, you can convince a reluctant seller to sell you a particular piece, or maybe negotiate a little the price if it seems expensive.

Always compare offers

As you can imagine, the users of our site are free to put the price they want to their second-hand cars and their scrapping parts. On our site, is the law of supply and demand that reigns. So they are in perfect right to set the price they consider more suitable, but also you can discard it or negotiate it to reach an agreement. The optimal method to proceed is: once you have seen the amount requested by the seller, find the price of the new piece or even go to a salvage yard to compare and establish what price is right to you. When you are clear about the maximum you would spend, it is time to contact the seller and negotiate in a civilized way.