Junk and salvage repairable Suzuki Verona cars for sale

Purchase with confidence

The safest method to purchase second-hand car pieces and salvaged vehicles is by contacting the seller directly and talking in person to check the material you are going to purchase. We recommend that you make sure that the piece you are interested in is exactly the one that matches your car model and its year of manufacture. It is a great idea to ask the seller for more images of the spares so you do not waste your time and money. Here you will find the Suzuki Verona for sale by our users (complete or by pieces) with their corresponding photos and the details you need.

2004 Suzuki Verona

2004 Suzuki Verona

100,000 - 110,000 miles

Dose not run has waster damage on the inside but have 18 rims and low profile tires. Just want to get ride of and...

Purcell, OK 73080
2004 Suzuki Verona

2004 Suzuki Verona

150,000 - 160,000 miles

Starts easy. battery and rear tires 1 year old each, nice interior. O2 censor problem? Needs front calipers and has...

Saint Paul, MN 55130
2005 Suzuki Verona

2005 Suzuki Verona

120,000 - 130,000 miles

Has no keys has a added remote start but no remote and needs a fuel pump and fuel sensor valve nice car.

Rawlins, WY 82301
2005 Suzuki Verona

2005 Suzuki Verona

150,000 - 160,000 miles

Running, driving car with a/c. Missing RH rear door handle & missing RH front door window seal. Clear title...

Lynn Haven, FL 32444

Direct contact with the seller

Our website allows you to speak directly with the seller of the used parts you need. By doing this you can make sure they work correctly and they will be 100% functional with your car. It can also be interesting for you because, on occasion, you can convince a reluctant user to sell you a particular part, or maybe negotiate a little the price if it seems expensive.

Always compare prices

As you can imagine, the users of our site are free to set the price they want to their used cars and their salvage parts. Here is the law of supply and demand that reigns. So they are in their right to put the price they consider more fair, but also you can reject it or negotiate it to agree. The best way to proceed is: once you have seen the price requested by the seller, find the price of the new part or even go to a salvage yard to compare and decide what amount seems right to you. When you are clear about the maximum you would spend, it is time to talk to the seller and negotiate cordially.