Junk and salvage repairable Infiniti G35 cars for sale

Purchase with confidence

The best method to buy used car spares and salvaged autos is by contacting the seller directly and talking in person to review the material you are going to purchase. We advise you that you make sure that the piece you are interested in is exactly the one that matches your vehicle model and its year of manufacture. It is a good idea to ask the seller for more images of the material so you do not waste your time and money. Here you will find the Infiniti G35 for sale by our visitor (complete or by parts) with their corresponding images and the details you need.

2003 Infiniti G35

2003 Infiniti G35

170,000 - 180,000 miles

Car got hit in the front of the vehicle I rather try to sell it then pay for the cost of the fix it's a good...

Tucson, AZ 85730
2007 Infiniti G35

2007 Infiniti G35

240,000 - 250,000 miles

Car still runs and drives, it was recently hit in the rear, 245,000 miles, radio works, and plenty of other feature work.

Hartford, CT 06106
2008 Infiniti G35

2008 Infiniti G35

140,000 - 150,000 miles

Damaged totaled on 7/25/21, hood damage, fender damage, side damage, also door damage including tires as well.

Lake Saint Louis, MO 63137
2004 Infiniti G35

2004 Infiniti G35

0 - 10,000 miles

Car was hit on right side front and back this car us very unsafe to drive and I’m very comfortable selling this car.

Hartford, CT 06120
2005 Infiniti G35

2005 Infiniti G35

160,000 - 170,000 miles

Turns on but wont start. Leak in power steering pipe. Gotta replace brakes, oxygen senor, struts, manifold...

Brooklyn, NY 11207
2005 Infiniti G35

2005 Infiniti G35

40,000 - 50,000 miles

I have 2005 infiniti G35 for sale,Title/Sale Doc:\r\nNON-REPAIRABLE (Texas), facebook: zaza buchukuri...

San Antonio, TX 11275
2004 Infiniti G35

2004 Infiniti G35

190,000 - 200,000 miles

Just got a new battery got 300$ spent 300 dollars for a factory intake from infinity. It runs good but i vant...

Chula Vista, CA 91910
2004 Infiniti G35

2004 Infiniti G35

190,000 - 200,000 miles

Engine blew up just bought a new infinity intake and brand new battery 305.$ Prior that i installed a brand...

Chula Vista, CA 91910
2004 Infiniti G35

2004 Infiniti G35

220,000 - 230,000 miles

2004 Infiniti G35 Sedan Clean title on hand Gray exterior / Black Interior Cold A/C; Warm Heater/Seats Leather...

Escondido, CA 92027

Direct contact with the seller

Our site allows you to talk directly with the seller of the second-hand spares you need. By doing this you can be sure they work perfectly and they will be 100% compatible with your car. It is also a good option for you because, usually, you can convince a reluctant user to sell you an specific piece, or maybe lower a little the price if it seems expensive.

Always compare offers

As you can imagine, the visitors of our website are free to set the price they want to their second-hand cars and their salvage parts. On our site, is the law of supply and demand that reigns. So they are in their right to put the price they consider more fair, but also you can discard it or negotiate it to reach an agreement. The best way to proceed is: once you have seen the price requested by the seller, find the price of the new piece or even go to a junk yard to compare and decide what amount is right to you. When you have decided the maximum you would spend, it is time to contact the seller and negotiate in a civilized manner.