Junk and salvage repairable Honda Odyssey cars for sale

Purchase with confidence

The safest method to purchase used car parts and salvaged vehicles is by getting in touch with the seller directly and talking in person to check the material you are going to purchase. We advise you that you make sure that the part you are interested in is exactly the one that matches your vehicle model and its year of manufacture. It is a good idea to ask the seller for more images of the spares so you do not waste your time and money. Here you will locate the Honda Odyssey for sale by our users (complete or by parts) with their corresponding photographs and the details you need.

1999 Honda Odyssey

1999 Honda Odyssey

240,000 - 250,000 miles

Body damage to roof and rear of car from falling tree. Does not start or run in current condition. Only battery...

Kokomo, IN 46902
2003 Honda Odyssey

2003 Honda Odyssey

170,000 - 180,000 miles

This car has all sorts of issues but was still getting me where I needed to go, then the starter went out, and it...

Templeton, CA 93465
2004 Honda Odyssey

2004 Honda Odyssey

200,000 - 210,000 miles

The van has been sitting since it was in an accident. Hit a telephone pole on passenger side, airbags deployed. 3 of...

Center Barnstead, NH O3225
2005 Honda Odyssey

2005 Honda Odyssey

160,000 - 170,000 miles

2005 Honda Odyssey involved in a collision April 2016. Damage is on the right side middle passenger. Impact did...

Douglasville, GA 30135
1996 Honda Odyssey

1996 Honda Odyssey

140,000 - 150,000 miles

Blew the heads when it overheated. It has good tires, good battery, ran great, has low original miles.

San Bernardino, CA 92410
2003 Honda Odyssey

2003 Honda Odyssey

160,000 - 170,000 miles

Type,EX. blown transmission, everything else is in great condition.A/C works, dvd player, titnted windows...

San Diego, CA 92011
2001 Honda Odyssey

2001 Honda Odyssey

190,000 - 200,000 miles

Van starts engine good. Needs transmission new tires. struts and engine mounts replaced 1 1/2 ago.

New Britain, CT 06053
2002 Honda Odyssey

2002 Honda Odyssey

170,000 - 180,000 miles

Needs engine rebuild or new engine. Mechanic can give more information as it is with them. New tyres, New timing...

Irvine, CA 92618

Direct contact with the seller

Our website allows you to talk directly with the seller of the used parts you need. This way you can make sure they work correctly and they will be 100% compatible with your auto. It is also a good option for you because, usually, you can convince a reluctant seller to sell you a particular part, or maybe negotiate a little the price if it seems expensive.

Always compare offers

As you can imagine, the visitors of our site are free to set the price they want to their second-hand autos and their junk parts. On our site, is the law of supply and demand that commands. So they are in perfect right to put the price they consider more suitable, but also you can reject it or negotiate it to reach an agreement. The optimal way to proceed is: once you have seen the amount requested by the seller, locate the price of the new piece or even go to a junk yard to compare and decide what amount is right to you. When you have decided the maximum you would pay, it is time to talk to the seller and negotiate cordially.